Samuyan Kaleku

Camera: Nikon D800

Lens: Nikor 150mm - 600 mm

Aperture: f6.3

Shutter speed: 1/640

ISO: 1000

Description: Hyena peeping from inside an elephant carcass

Story from behind the lens: One morning early in The Triangle we headed West looking for some lions, soon we saw a herd of elephant blocking the road - quite agitated. We had to wait a while to pass but saw some vehicles to our left. We decided to go there to see what is happening. Soon we saw the elephants were not happy - there was a carcass of a young elephant and hyenas were busy feeding on it. After a couple of minutes lions arrived and chased the hyenas away. They disappeared only a short distance away. All of a sudden we heard this incredibly loud hyena sound. We wondered where it came from - even the lions wondered where it was coming from .... approaching the carcass with some trepidation .... We soon realised that one hyena was stuck inside the elephant carcass and as soon as a lion approached, it started to make a racket .... One of the strangest wildlife sightings I have experienced.