vaidehi c
Camera: Nikon D500
Lens: Nikon 500mm f/5.6 PF lens
Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter speed: 1/125
ISO: 1000
Description: The elusive leopard walking in the open very late one evening in Naboisho Mara staring at my lens.
Story from behind the lens: My guide Daniel (Asilia Naboisho) zipped across the Conservancy to help me see the elusive leopard. It was very late in the evening with poor lighting after sunset. I was lucky to see this leopard climb down the tree and take a gentle stroll among the rocks and trees. I had to go for a fairly low shutter speed to capture the animal clearly without raising my ISO too much. Clicked a few shots holding my hands as steady as possible and managed to capture this image when it was stationary for a few seconds. Rarely do we see them out in the open.