Mark Farrington

Camera: OMD OM-1

Lens: 300mm f4

Aperture: f5.6

Shutter speed: 1/800s

ISO: 3200

Description: Three cheetah cubs rest on an earthen mound as the sun, just below the horizon, begins to colour the sky.

Story from behind the lens: This was early on the morning game drive of my first full day at Kicheche Bush camp, guided by the excellent James Nampaso. Before sunrise, James had taken our vehicle to the waterhole close to the camp, where the cheetah family we would follow for most of that day were waiting for good light for the mother to begin hunting. My early shots were attempts to silhouette cubs and mother against the blue hour sky, but I struggled to get visually interesting separation of the individuals. So James moved the vehicle and, for just a couple of minutes before the sun came over the horizon, I could then capture the scene softly touched by the pre-dawn light while including the lovely colours in the sky.