Chloe Jones
Camera: sony A7 iii
Lens: sony FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS
Aperture: f/8.0
Shutter speed: 1600/sec
ISO: 1250
Description: Luluka the leopard! Seeing leopards is my favourite sighting due to their rarity! Lulu made me speechless when we found her! She pranced across the road right in front of us, she's just magical!
Story from behind the lens: Among the leopards in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, is Luluka. There was no doubt that this was the most incredible leopard sighting I've ever witnessed! In addition, it was my first time seeing a female leopard, making it all the more special!
When we arrived, she had just finished her food, having hunted in the morning. As she majestically walked through the tall grass, we followed her for about three hours! We had to wait until she crossed the roads before we could get this photo! Dixon, our wonderful guide, realised she was then scouting out a new place for her cub!
This was an amazing experience that I will certainly cherish for a very long time. I would not feel like I was doing my job correctly if I didn't mention how many vehicles surrounded her when entering a contest like this. Unfortunately, there were around 40 vehicles when I decided to leave her because it stressed me out, as well as her. Unfortunately, there are people today who simply want to get as close to these animals as possible without considering the consequences. The moment I saw her go under one of the cars heading for escape, I knew it was time to leave, and so did my guide. My heart broke seeing this, and I dream of educating people about the effects of such behaviour!