Matrishva Vyas

Camera: Nikon Z9

Lens: Nikon 70-200 mm f/2.8 with 1.4X converter

Aperture: f/32

Shutter speed: 1/6 second

ISO: 32

Description: Panning image of a Leopard.

Story from behind the lens: It was our last morning in Mara for that safari. We went to a specific location where leopardess was sighted last evening. Almost an hour later she appeared and walked elegantly in the savannah. She was walking across the vehicle and it was possible for me to get almost eye level shot. I wanted to try panning shot, but the light was abundant. I pushed the aperture to close maximum (f/32) and also dropped ISO to the minimum (32) to get a reciprocal speed of 1/6 second just enough to make this image.