Julie Grohs
Camera: Nikon D5
Lens: 600mm f/4.0
Aperture: 6.3
Shutter speed: 1/3200
ISO: 1250
Description: An image created mid day in the Mara Triangle as a herd of elephants rushed toward a water hole.
Story from behind the lens: The start of our day was mostly bird watching on a beautiful sun filled morning. A long lazy drive took us by lazy lions, a topi calf and more birds. It was the kind of day to mostly sit back and be in the moment of the Mara Triangle. The moment suddenly changed as a herd of elephants emerged from a forest at a run on their way to a watering hole. It was a beautiful site to see so many elephants in high spirits charging to the water. We stayed with them for quite a while as they drank, played, and sloshed around. The take home image though was this one of them coming directly toward us at a run. There may have been a bit of an adrenaline rush with this sighting.