Raheel Shah
Camera: Canon 90D
Lens: Sigma 150-600mm f5-6.3
Aperture: f6.3
Shutter speed: 1/1250
ISO: 6400
Description: A father giraffe kissing his young calf good night at dusk.
Story from behind the lens: After an exciting day, we were driving back to camp at sunset. We came across a tower of giraffes and our driver Ole Ronko Jackson perfectly lined up the car with the fiery sunset in the background. This was one of the most beautiful sunsets I had come across in my life. I was looking around to photograph something spectacular when an extremely unique image caught my eye. It was a father giraffe kissing his young calf. This was unique because it is very rare for you to find a father giraffe kissing his calf because usually you find a mother kissing the calf or licking it. I immediately put my head down to the view finder and I started to shoot. This lasted for only a very short amount of time, and I only managed to shoot 2 frames. This was one of the most astonishing things that I had ever photographed or even ever seen in my life.