Meetal Mehta

Camera: Nikon D850

Lens: AF-S Nikkor 200-500mm 1:5.6E ED

Aperture: f8

Shutter speed: 1/1250 sec

ISO: 1600

Description: A male lion lying in the shade in the afternoon heat, suddenly ever so slightly, props it's head up staring into the empty blue sky...

Story from behind the lens: Having only half a day in the Mara, we were on an afternoon game drive in the sweltering heat when we came across this pride of lions all spread out, sleeping under whatever shade they could find. I picked up my camera with mixed feelings as it was a harsh mid afternoon light (having missed the early morning golden hour) and the lions were all just lying there in a motionless lazy afternoon slumber. I knew that there really wasn't a shot worth taking there, and I just sat there staring at the lions with the camera in my lap. Just as I was about to tell our guide that we could carry on with our game drive, the lion propped its head up momentarily, looking up into the sky and I managed to get a few shots.