Liz Mansfield
Camera: Canon R5
Lens: Canon RF 100-500
Aperture: f/8.0
Shutter speed: 1/1600
ISO: 1000
Description: Cheetah and 4 cubs under the Mara Sunset and Rainbow
Story from behind the lens: At the end of the day, we were patiently seeing if the Cheetah would hunt as we knew she had not hunted in the morning and her cubs must be hungry. As we waited, the sky darkened and we hoped we would miss the rain which had been consistently ending each day that week. At one point, we noticed the rainbow getting brighter and the termite mound below and said outloud, "wouldn't it be nice if she brought her cubs over to that termite mound." About 2 minutes later, almost on command, she brought the down the hill and onto the termite mound, all the while the rainbow kept getting stronger. It was a fabulous end to another great day in the Mara.