Camera: Nikno z9
Lens: 100-400Z lens
Aperture: f.9
Shutter speed: 1/1600
ISO: 5000
Description: Jabari has his tail twirled around his mom's, Nelangus, head
Story from behind the lens: I was leading a PhotoWorkshop for SXSE and we had been following Nelangu and Jazari for some time and she had jumped up on a ridge and when Jazari followed we were excited to get this show of affection. I've been photographing these town since he was a few months old. They have been a very good and happy team. But I have always found Nelangu hard to photographs has her eyes are usually only about half opened and she does not like to look directly at me. But this time she finally gave me a clean shot and even stared at me a few moments. This was a Mara North.