Jagminder Matharu
Camera: NikonD56oo
Lens: Nikon 80.0-400.0 mm f/ 4.5-5.6
Aperture: f/ 7.1
Shutter speed: 1/320
ISO: 100
Description: Even though the outcome was certain, the hippo gave the Topi pride run for their money
Story from behind the lens: Upon reaching the site where the Topi pride have taken down the hippo, there was lot happening as very 4x4 was looking for best spot to witness the hunt. Our guide manage to get a good spot. I couldn't ask for more than to witness whole lion pride taking down full grown hippo. When we reached the spot, some of the female lion were resting as the hippo gave a good fight. Out of blue the hippo summon up the strength to run for its life that's when the Male lion on the hippo back to pull it down.
The whole visual was unbelievable, on one side lion pride need to feed and on other hippo was fighting for its life.