Edward Sigall
Camera: Nikon D5600
Lens: Nikkor 18-300 f/3.5-6.3(@44mm)
Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter speed: 1/200
ISO: 400
Description: Elephant close and facing the camera, backlight by the sun just beginning to rise
Story from behind the lens: I was able to position myself in what I felt would make an enticing composition. I initially thought of a B&W silhouette but then considered shooting it in such a way that I'd capture the colors to be later enhanced, avoiding any "blown out" highlights. The subject was cooperative and I kept checking and varying my exposure until I saw what I liked on the LCD screen.
Post production in Photoshop was rather simple consisting of enhancing colors and burning. I experienced that "a ha" moment rather quickly and it reminded me of reviewing proof sheets and finding that negative amongst many that "spoke" eloquently to me.
I see this image as illustrative of the incomparable beauty and wonder of Africa.