Jackie Downey

Camera: Canon 5D mk4

Lens: 100-400mm

Aperture: F5.6

Shutter speed: 1/1600

ISO: 160

Description: The leopard - Faulu - woke up and decided to hunt from her high vantage point, she had spotted a small herd of Tommies far away

Story from behind the lens: We had been watching the young female leopard Faulu for some time - fast asleep in a tree. She finally woke up and started to look around her. Upon seeing a small herd of Tommies, far in the distance, she started to stalk them from her high vantage point. Creeping along the branch and down the trunk, she seemed to almost hang from the last branch - she looked like an earring hanging there! Upon reaching the ground she crept along, very low, for quite some distance before sprinting off. We finally caught up with her, as she emerged from the bushes - triumphant with her breakfast - a mongoose!